Professional Development Opportunities

Holistic Health Framework

ELIE Circle's 3-part Holistic Health Framework is specifically designed for community-based educational spaces to support the holistic health of both young people and staff. The framework consists of describing holistic health, barriers to holistic health, and holistic health tools. [Updated March 2023]

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Introduction to Working in Community-Based Educational Spaces

This course is designed to prepare young professionals (i.e., less than 5 years of experience in the field) for a career in CBES with a foundation in education and social work. Through engagement with materials and other participants, they have an understanding of CBES through an equity lens including holistic health framework, young people’s development, learning, safety, and relationships. Drawing on our collective knowledge, we identify and strategize around tensions in CBES and reflect on and apply course concepts to current and future work. [Updated June 2024]

This course consists of 8 2-hour meetings (twice a month for four months) and engagement with materials (e.g., videos, readings) and writing between meetings.

Supporting 5th-12th Grade Black Girls in Community-Based Educational Spaces

This 2-hour session, based on Debralyn's dissertation, presents a conceptual model and techniques for staff in community-based educational spaces to use to explore gendered racial socialization messages and 5th-12th grade Black girls’ interpretation of messages, gendered racial identity ideologies, and outward display of sense of self in CBES. [Updated June 2024]

Email if you would like more information on any of these opportunities.

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